Employing the services of a Migration Agent is a route which many applicants go down when filing their visa applications.
They are a tried and trusted method by which you can make sure that you are aware of all of the options available to you throughout the entire process of applying for a visa. Whilst Migration Agents have no ability to influence the outcome of your application, they have up to date knowledge of all the procedures and changes in migration policy which may affect your visa application. They can also fall back on their extensive experience to provide advice on the various visa application routes that may be open to you and make an informed decision regarding the best way to proceed with your application.
Related Articles: Should I use a Migration Agent? How much money do you need to move to Australia Australia Skilled Migration When looking for a suitably qualified and knowledgeable Migration Agent it is essential that you make sure they are registered with the Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). MARA is the professional body which oversees and governs the industry by keeping a comprehensive record of all currently active Migration Agents who are legally permitted to provide you with the advice and assistance with your visa application.
With all credentials readily searched on an easy to navigate online database, you will be able to make sure that the Migration Agent(s) you approach for help and guidance are suitably accredited to represent you. As with all professions, fees vary between Agents and will vary depending on your personal circumstances and the timeframe and urgency of your application. Always check what the fee covers and whether there are any hidden costs. See the MARA website for a breakdown of the average fees charged by Migration Agents before you begin to target a specific Agent to assist with your application.
Once you have narrowed down your search of Registered Migration Agents, the most important thing is to find someone who you find approachable and trustworthy. With a reliable sounding board available to you during the process it can be considerably less confusing and stressful than going it alone.
Find out more about our Registered Migration Agents services at enquiries@my-oe.com