When you are applying for a new job or looking to get a foot on the career ladder it is worth researching the annual salary for your position to make sure it suits your needs. If you are planning on emigrating to Australia under the skilled migration program not only do you have the challenge of finding a new employer and securing your work visa, you also need to brush up on currencies as pounds and pence are out and Australian dollars are in.
Negotiating your minimum salary requirements for your new job in Australia
This short emigration help guide sets out the steps to take for negotiating your minimum salary for your new job in Australia. Even if you’re negotiating a salary through a recruitment agent, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. Even more so, when you’re moving to the other side of the world for your new job. More and more we’re seeing our clients securing roles before arriving in Australia, meaning the negotiating is happening online or over a Skype call. Here’s our top salary negotiating tips.
Negotiating your minimum salary
Rule no.1 when negotiating your minimum salary is to allow the company to make an offer first, this (fool proof) tip is designed to keep you safe from overshooting the mark and being dismissed as a candidate from the start. This can be somewhat of a challenge however, with Recruiters and employers asking for your salary requirements as early as the application form. But the advantage of using a recruiter is that more often than not, they will do their best to negotiate the best salary possible. When applying direct, you’ll be in the driving seat so always keep your cool, and consider your reply. Rule no.2 is to take time to think about your response. If you get ‘low balled’ don’t scoff or storm off. The chances are the employer is trying their luck. There’s no shame in negotiating and showing strength will be an asset in the long run. Rule no.3 is to be open minded. Don’t be arrogant, and remember rules 1 and 2. Rule no.4 is to do your research and know your value. There are a number of salary websites and a recruiter may be able to give you a good idea of like for like candidates they have placed. Remember in Australia wages are higher and it’s normal to negotiate a good holiday package or time to work from home or away from the office. Rule no. 5 is remember to account for relocation packages. Will your employer pay for your shipping to Australia? Will they pay for your families flights or your new car? You may also be able to negotiate a few months rent. Some corporate employers have been known to pay for 3 months accommodation which will no doubt save you a few pennies. Rule no.6 if you don’t ask, you don’t get…
What do the experts say about negotiating your salary?
Well known author Jack Chapman provides two simple answers to this problem in the form of deflecting. When asked for your minimum salary requirements Jack suggests the following responses. “I’m sure we can come to a good salary agreement if I’m the right person for the job, so let’s first agree on whether I am.”“I have some idea of the market, but for a moment let’s start with your range. What do you have budgeted for the position?” If your prospective employer is insistent on a figure and the above deflection techniques are not working, a working knowledge of the current job market for your position is key.
Negotiating your minimum salary : Researching Your Roll
If you have recently emigrated or are thinking of emigrating to Australia the salaries on offer are likely to be very different to those you may have been used to in the UK. The government funded myfuture website, provides the ideal starting point for researching job roles. This informative website is very similar in principle to UK job sites including indeed, however it is also perfectly suited to those looking to learn new employment skills and brush up on employment laws and knowledge.
Application Process
Once you have researched your prospective job and found out relevant salary information you are ready to start planning for your future. It is at this point we recommend creating a beautiful and eye catching CV that will help you stand out from the crowd. Jobsite Robert Walters can help here with a variety of striking CV templates for a range of job roles and working styles. You can even take a short online salary survey to find out what you’re worth.
Negotiating your minimum salary : Summary
We would like to thank you for taking the time to read this article and hope it helps you on your new career path. Preparation is always key when it comes to acing a job interview, remember to be honest, confident and knowledgeable in your required field and you will not go far wrong. For more information and great articles for UK residents looking to emigrate to Australia don’t forget to bookmark “Overseas Emigration Visas” for some well written and informative articles, tips and tricks to make the best of your new life down under. To discover an unbiased, professional and completely honest opinion of your likelihood of success in migrating to Australia, head to our Free Australian Visa AssessmentToday!