The Immigration Department has launched a new multi-media campaign to highlight its tough stance on illegal immigrants arriving by boat. With a red banner sporting the words NO WAY in capitals on the department’s website, the new policy announcement does not mince words. The notice states that illegal immigrants arriving by boat will be sent for processing in Nauru or Papua New Guinea, and will never fulfil their aim to remain in Australia. The notice goes on to state: ‘Don’t waste your money – people smugglers are lying. Don’t risk the safety of your family and friends by paying people smugglers. Arriving by boat will ensure they are not settled here in Australia.’ As part of the government campaign, a variety of media are being targeted, including radio and tv broadcasts. A transcript of the public radio statement reads ‘A message from Mr Scott Morrison, the Australian Government Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. My message to anyone considering getting on a boat illegally bound for Australia is simple, don’t do it. Our government has implemented the toughest ever measures to stop people coming to Australia illegally by boat. You will be detected, you will be intercepted, you can be turned back, and if you do make it to Australia, you will not stay there and you will never ever live here. You will be quickly sent to PNG (Papua New Guinea) or Nauru where you will stay. You will not get what you are coming for, what you are taking the risk for, and I will make sure of that’. The department states that these measures have been introduced to curb illegal immigration, stop people smugglers, and stop further loss of life at sea, all of which tie into the new Liberal/National coalition government’s campaign pledges.
Home / Emigration News / No way! Australia’s immigration department takes hard line on illegal immigrants
No way! Australia’s immigration department takes hard line on illegal immigrants
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